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2017 all the amusement equipment when the security-based
来源: 小火车厂家浏览:发布日期:2017-07-24
Now the amusement equipment has been recognized by many people, and put into production and management. Whether it is production or operating amusement equipment must be the safety of recreational equipment as a primary consideration.
All production of amusement equipment manufacturers must have the production qualification, in the local government and technical supervision departments for the record, in order to carry out production. In the customer to the factory inspection time to provide qualifications and other relevant documents necessary documents. Amusement equipment at the factory, must be equipped with equipment with the equipment certificate and the use of manual.
Businessmen who operate amusement equipment must prepare the certificate and brochure at the place of business, and affix the passengers to the location. Daily routine inspection and screw fixation of the amusement equipment according to the instruction manual of the product is carried out at least three times a day to ensure that the equipment can be operated correctly.
Zhengzhou amusement equipment manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional large-scale children's play equipment factory in Henan, mainly focused on amusement equipment, large small new children's recreational facilities, park square outdoor indoor playground equipment, children's amusement equipment design, development, production, The new children's playground facilities and facilities are available for further information. For more information, please visit: www.hangtianyoule.cn. For more information, please contact us at www.hangtianyoule.com.


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